Friday, July 9, 2010

I Hate Goodbyes

Today was my second-to-last day at school. When I walked into the classroom, I was greeted by lots of little smiling kids hugging me and handing me "juice" (various soft drinks) and "biscuits" (cookies)- the class was throwing me a surprise farewell party! It was sooooo sweet. Several of the kids had colored pictures and written 'I Love You' notes for me, and I even got a few presents- some very pretty jewelry and two sulus (aka long wrap skirts that both men and women wear in Fiji) that a student's mother had hand-painted herself! I was so surprised and touched that they thought to do all of that just for me. Sister Vika gave a very nice little speech thanking me, and unfortunately I started crying. I tried to talk to the class, but I kept losing it and barely croaked out a few sentences before I just had to stop... it was embarrassing, really. Jennifer blew me a kiss, and my heart just melted. It was the cutest thing I've ever seen. I can't even put into words how much I love all of those kids, and I'm going to miss every single one of them like crazy. :( I'm hoping that I got all of my crying out today so that Monday I can say a proper goodbye to the class.

I know I keep saying this, but I cannot believe how fast these two months have gone. Before coming here, I was worried that two months would be way too long, but that was definitely a needless worry. I am very excited to see people back home because it feels like it's been ages (my baby brother becomes a TEENAGER the day I fly in, for goodness sake!), but I will be very sad to leave Fiji.

One more weekend in paradise...


  1. Thanks to your blog, I have a picture of beautiful sweet faces smiling at you while they hold their special surprise! Your love for them can't be erased and most likely will be remembered after you leave. Jennifer will still be counting to 10!! I do wish you could bring her back with you, but I am comforted by seeing her playing outside at her home with Mrs. Julie. I am very excited to have you home again, but will miss this interesting blog that let me see the beauty of Fiji and shared the love you have for it. The goodbye party post let me see the love they have for you and I know that is special. Thanks again for taking the time to blog. xo

  2. It sounds like you're having lots of fun there, but coming home (on my b-day) will be the best birthday present I could ask for!

  3. Blessings as you travel. You have touched some precious lives and given the gift that keeps on giving!
    Kim Joiner

  4. Julie you have touched lives in a positive way in Fiji especially the special needs ones. Mrs Julie will live forever for them. We look forward to your return. God has blessed you in a special way.

    Your ferris wheel ride brought back a 60 year old memory. I was about your age and at the Saline county fair with a friend when a vision of loveliness that I could scarce believe apeared. After my friend introduced us I invited her to ride the ferris wheel. The wheel operator gave us a rocking push and repeated the rocking motion every time we came around. He left us riding for more than an hour in the hot August sun and didn't let us off until customers were waiting for chairs to empty. Well Miss Lovie Smith was not impressed with this Frat boy, Ex-paratrooper, U of Ill Engineer and ran straight to the arms of tall dark and handsome Jim ???? when we debarked. While we couldn't match the speed of your Fiji wheel the length of our ride quelled forever my desire to ride a ferris wheel. I doubt the the beautiful Lovie Smith ever wanted to repeat the experience either.
    Love, Gpa.

  5. You will always be a part of those kids lives. The good thing is, the magic and the love you had in Fiji follows you wherever you go.

  6. Julie, I have been very interested in your "journey" and enjoyed all your blogs and photos. I know you have enriched all the lives whose paths you have crossed, by your loving ways, friendly smile and Christian ethics. Your entire family has enriched my life just by knowing them!

    I pray for your safe travel home -
    Betty Willoughby

  7. Those children were so lucky to have you stay long enough to love them and make a small difference in their lives. I expect that the biggest difference was the changes they made in your life. Isn't it funny how service works?

    Excited to see you in August!

    Aunt Susie--Wouldn't you know I figured the coment piece at this late date.

  8. I can't believe it's taken me this long to find your blog! I will definitely be reading all the previous posts, but had to let you know I haven't been intentionally snubbing you all summer. Congratulations on completing such an eventful and exciting experience!
