Monday, May 17, 2010

I'm here!

Well, it's a little after noon on a beautiful sunny, HOT Fiji day. I'm in "town" at an internet cafe right now, so this is just going to be a quick update. I got to my host family's house in the middle of the night on Saturday/Sunday, and I was exhausted. The first night and morning were a little bit rough, and I was kind of wondering what the heck I'm doing here. But now, only one day later, I'm already loving it! My host family is amazing- I think I really lucked out. Their house is certainly no resort. ;) No air conditioning, no hot water (not that you'd want it!), and lots of bugs. Very different from what I'm used to, but I think I'm adjusting quite nicely. I had a minor freak-out yesterday when some sort of flying cockroach landed on my shirt, and I couldn't flick it off for what seemed like ages. Yuck. I guess I'll get used to the bugs though. As long as they're not touching me, I'm okay. Oh, and geckos run around inside the house (not on the floor)! My host family seems to think it's completely normal to be sitting in the living room or kitchen and suddenly see a lizard appear on the wall and start running around the perimeter of the ceiling... The first one I saw was very strange, but now it's kind of fun to look for them. :)

I start working in the school tomorrow, so I'm excited about that. This afternoon, I am going to the pool with some other volunteers. Yay!


  1. Oh my gosh, that flying cockroach seems terrible! Glad to hear that you're already settling in though and loving it!!!! I'm sure it'll take getting used to, but this sounds like such a great opportunity for you to do something totally different. I love you and have been thinking about you!

  2. Geckos and flying cockroaches...better or worse than sugar gliders and hedgehogs? :)

  3. Glad you arrived safely! I hope the cockroaches don't get too friendly...

  4. Your story about the flying cockroach reminded me of the summer I spent in Delisle, Ms and my condo had those giant cockroaches that would leap out from the clothes closet even. I invested in roach motels and other recommended deterrents but never did rid the place of them. Once the shock wears off you won't mind it so much. Marilyn read in her diary where a Myna bird ate prunes from a diner's bowl there at the Nadi Sheraton when we were there in 1993 as their dining area was open. Enjoy and keep us informed. Love, Gpa.
