Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Pictures You've All Been Waiting For...

My clothes drying in the backyard. No one has drying machines here- they all have drying contraptions like this one or regular clothes lines.

After our mud bath. I'm second from the right.

Group shot at the "Free Massage Waterfall" on the rafting trip. It actually was a really good massage!

The beach at the hostel in Pacific Harbour where we stayed Friday night before white water rafting on Saturday.

My host family's house in Nadi.

Kids playing with the tarps (which double as lunch tables and assembly bleachers) on the veranda at school.

Village on Waya Island in the Yasawas.

I snuck a picture of the choir at the village Methodist church service on Waya Island.

Beautiful sunset on Waya Island at Octupus Resort- my first weekend trip in Fiji.

The daytime beach at Octopus Resort. This is where I went snorkeling, and it was AWESOME! The water is so clear.

Another beach shot at Octopus Resort.

We rode in a big(ish) boat for over 2 hours to get to Waya Island, but then we had to transfer to small boats to be taken to shore. Octopus Resort is in the background.

I didn't actually stop at this island...

At home with my 5-year-old host-brother, Tashkeel.

The view of the mountains at school during lunchtime. I'm convinced that there isn't an ugly spot in this entire country.

Some of the boys in Class One. Love them.

Some of the girls in Class One. Love them too.


  1. Julie,
    LOVE your photos and your blog! Sounds like you're having a very memorable summer! We missed seeing you at Becky's graduation party!

    Teresa Divinnie

  2. Julie, I loved the photos - they show such beauty in the land and the children. Your blog is very interesting and I am learning a lot about a far away place.

    When I was in nursing school (St. Thomas, Nashville - 1956!) the farthest we got from campus was Louisville, KY and St. Louis, Missouri - and that was for extra schooling and work. No exotic beaches or boat rides or snorkeling!

    Keep up your good work, you will be in my prayers.

    Betty Willoughby, Franklin

  3. Julie

    What a fabulous experience. I am glad that you are enjoying the experience. It sounds like all of your efforts are appreciated. Truly enjoyed reading your blog and I will keep checking back to follow your adventures. Dee
